For the people who don't know, we have moved to Akron, Ohio but it's only temporary. we are remolding a family house, then putting it on the market. Then we are moving to Canada for good.
Thank You,
Mrs. April J.W. Neal
This page was created to share our thoughts about whatever comes to mind.
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This Page Was Updated On Saturday, The 2nd Day of December, 2023
Views Since 01 October 2014
"Money Can't Buy Life, Love, Happiness, nor another Baby Bright Eyes Kitty Cat"
Rest In Peace My Baby Bright Eyes.
Born 20 April 2010, at 10:53 PM - Murdered By Her Vet, BBE Passed on 31 January 2019, at 6:13 AM
My Love For You Will Never End. I Love, and Miss You So Much, My Baby Girl.
Rest In Peace My Baby Bright Eyes.
Born 20 April 2010, at 10:53 PM - Murdered By Her Vet, BBE Passed on 31 January 2019, at 6:13 AM
My Love For You Will Never End. I Love, and Miss You So Much, My Baby Girl.
Rest In Peace My Puppy Doo.
Born 04 July 2008 Time Unknown - Murdered by my ex-son on 04 July 2020 at 4:20 AM
My Love For You Will Never End. I Love and Miss You So Much, My Doodle.
Rest In Peace My King Mokey Moke.
Born 20 April 2010 at 10:55 PM - Murdered by my ex-son on 04 July 2020 at 4:20 AM
My Love For You Will Never End. I Love and Miss You So Much, My Mokey Boy.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Paris Attack = High Gas Prices
Yea i know i'm not a news source, but I've been reading legitimate news sources, and info from government websites. From what I have been reading, and the facts of real world life. I have come to the conclusion that the attacks were a tactic to raise gas prices. I also read, the people who were killed in the attacks were actual prisoners from various countries. From news and government sources only 3 killed were citizens of France due to die for crimes they committed. This all makes sense because the gas prices here where I live are at a 10 year low I bought gas for $1.07 yesterday with a $0.25 savings card discount. The actual price without the discount was $1.38 Today at the same station, the gas was $1.32. The local news here and, Gasbuddy.com are predicting a $0.59 to $0.89 gas price hike within the next few days. The reason given the attacks on Paris.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
FDA.gov News. All Artificial Sweeteners to be banned in the USA.
I know most of you have already heard that Artificial Sweeteners are very bad for you.
They cause most of the cancers worldwide. Artificial Sweeteners cause A.D.D. and A.D.H.D in children, even if the kids never drank or eaten anything with Artificial Sweeteners, Their parents did before and during conception. Artificial Sweeteners were in their system therefore, the sperm cells and the ovum are infected with Artificial Sweeteners. Meaning the child was infected during development in the whom.
Artificial Sweeteners cause weight gain it fools the human system into thinking it just got a dose of real sugars, the body reacts to use those sugars that are not there, this causes the body to store fat. Its stores fat because it couldn't find those sugars it thought were there, that triggered starvation mode, this causes the body to store fat to use as energy. but doesn't need it so its stays there every time you drink a diet soda or foods with Artificial Sweeteners you cause your body to store fat. plus all the toxins in Artificial Sweeteners causes all kinds of health issues. Artificial Sweeteners even cause mental and neurological issues like depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, antisocial disorders, psychotic breakdown, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease, seizures to name a few of the many more.
It is much better for you, your body to consume real sugars in your foods and drinks its 500% better for you, your body knows how to use real sugars and knows how to expel what it doesn't need.
Unless you are diabetic then it needs help, even diabetics can consume real sugars in moderation.
You should consult your doctor beforehand.
The State Of Indiana is placing a total ban on ALL Artificial Sweeteners. Indiana will be the first state to place a total ban on Artificial Sweeteners. there are other states that have partial bans on some select Artificial Sweeteners, but not on all.
The State of Tennessee (Where I Live) is also proposing the same ban as Indiana, but they are waiting to see how it goes for Indiana. If all goes well for Indiana, then Tennessee will ban ALL Artificial Sweeteners too.
I used to drink diet sodas, but I noticed I started putting on the pounds. I didn't know it was the Artificial Sweeteners in the diet sodas that was causing me to gain so much weight. I went to see my doctor about it. he did all kinds of tests then suggested start on a testosterone therapy. I rejected his suggestion and said it has to be something else because my testosterone hormone level was a little on the high side. after i found that out i changed doctors my new doctor ran some more tests then said
this is something i heard, but do you drink diet sodas, drinks or foods? i said yes. he said stop, do not eat or drink another thing with Artificial Sweeteners in them.
He gave me a list of the names of the Artificial Sweeteners and I'll be damned, they were in regular everyday foods. I ended up tossing out 80% of our foods. I gave some to the food bank. Then I bought foods without Artificial Sweeteners and within two weeks I lost 15 pounds. My fat belly started slimming down, its still there but not as big as it was. I weighed 258 pounds at one time.
Since I stopped the Artificial Sweeteners Today I weighed in at 207 pounds this morning. I still drink sodas but not as many, and they are regular sodas. I mostly drink green tea with ginseng, ginger, some times with cinnamon. I steep it in the sun, or daylight in room temperature purified spring water. The water is never heated. I sweeten the tea with pure bee honey or natural cane sugar.
Just thought I would share this with you. I don't believe I have ever made a posting here?
Thank You For Your Time.
I know most of you have already heard that Artificial Sweeteners are very bad for you.
They cause most of the cancers worldwide. Artificial Sweeteners cause A.D.D. and A.D.H.D in children, even if the kids never drank or eaten anything with Artificial Sweeteners, Their parents did before and during conception. Artificial Sweeteners were in their system therefore, the sperm cells and the ovum are infected with Artificial Sweeteners. Meaning the child was infected during development in the whom.
Artificial Sweeteners cause weight gain it fools the human system into thinking it just got a dose of real sugars, the body reacts to use those sugars that are not there, this causes the body to store fat. Its stores fat because it couldn't find those sugars it thought were there, that triggered starvation mode, this causes the body to store fat to use as energy. but doesn't need it so its stays there every time you drink a diet soda or foods with Artificial Sweeteners you cause your body to store fat. plus all the toxins in Artificial Sweeteners causes all kinds of health issues. Artificial Sweeteners even cause mental and neurological issues like depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, antisocial disorders, psychotic breakdown, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease, seizures to name a few of the many more.
It is much better for you, your body to consume real sugars in your foods and drinks its 500% better for you, your body knows how to use real sugars and knows how to expel what it doesn't need.
Unless you are diabetic then it needs help, even diabetics can consume real sugars in moderation.
You should consult your doctor beforehand.
The State Of Indiana is placing a total ban on ALL Artificial Sweeteners. Indiana will be the first state to place a total ban on Artificial Sweeteners. there are other states that have partial bans on some select Artificial Sweeteners, but not on all.
The State of Tennessee (Where I Live) is also proposing the same ban as Indiana, but they are waiting to see how it goes for Indiana. If all goes well for Indiana, then Tennessee will ban ALL Artificial Sweeteners too.
I used to drink diet sodas, but I noticed I started putting on the pounds. I didn't know it was the Artificial Sweeteners in the diet sodas that was causing me to gain so much weight. I went to see my doctor about it. he did all kinds of tests then suggested start on a testosterone therapy. I rejected his suggestion and said it has to be something else because my testosterone hormone level was a little on the high side. after i found that out i changed doctors my new doctor ran some more tests then said
this is something i heard, but do you drink diet sodas, drinks or foods? i said yes. he said stop, do not eat or drink another thing with Artificial Sweeteners in them.
He gave me a list of the names of the Artificial Sweeteners and I'll be damned, they were in regular everyday foods. I ended up tossing out 80% of our foods. I gave some to the food bank. Then I bought foods without Artificial Sweeteners and within two weeks I lost 15 pounds. My fat belly started slimming down, its still there but not as big as it was. I weighed 258 pounds at one time.
Since I stopped the Artificial Sweeteners Today I weighed in at 207 pounds this morning. I still drink sodas but not as many, and they are regular sodas. I mostly drink green tea with ginseng, ginger, some times with cinnamon. I steep it in the sun, or daylight in room temperature purified spring water. The water is never heated. I sweeten the tea with pure bee honey or natural cane sugar.
Just thought I would share this with you. I don't believe I have ever made a posting here?
Thank You For Your Time.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Waste Management
We have a very good landlord, but at times is slow at fixing necessary things.
like in this picture - Yes, that is Shit Water!, and is stinking up the whole house even with the windows open, and the door closed.
This is our second bathroom, it's been like this for 10 days. The main bathroom is in 100% working order.
like in this picture - Yes, that is Shit Water!, and is stinking up the whole house even with the windows open, and the door closed.
This is our second bathroom, it's been like this for 10 days. The main bathroom is in 100% working order.
All our friends and family are telling us to report this to the State board of health and/or the State environmental protection agency.
The problem with that is, if we do, it will get our landlord in trouble. We do not want to get our landlord in trouble, they have been very good to us. Our landlord is NOT a slumlord, like some of our friends are saying.
What would you do? please leave your answer in the comment section below this post.
Friday, October 16, 2015
Question Asked In Church
When We were in Church this past Wednesday evening.
The Pastor asked "You have three choices and can only choose one which one would you choose?"
"Please be honest, jot your answer 1, 2, or 3 on the sticky note we gave you when you.
Then drop it in the basket that will be passed around shortly." "Note, there is no wrong answer."
"The choices are
1. A Perfect Mate.
Everyone has that dream girl or guy in their mind they wish they could have for life.
2. Perfect Health.
Everyone has some kind of health issue some more than others. they wish they had no health issues.
3. 1 Million Dollars
Tax free money to spend on anything you want."
I made a poll with the same question, and answers.
Please make your choice on the poll above this posting.
I can't see who answers the poll, You see the same thing I see.
Thank You
The Pastor asked "You have three choices and can only choose one which one would you choose?"
"Please be honest, jot your answer 1, 2, or 3 on the sticky note we gave you when you.
Then drop it in the basket that will be passed around shortly." "Note, there is no wrong answer."
"The choices are
1. A Perfect Mate.
Everyone has that dream girl or guy in their mind they wish they could have for life.
2. Perfect Health.
Everyone has some kind of health issue some more than others. they wish they had no health issues.
3. 1 Million Dollars
Tax free money to spend on anything you want."
I made a poll with the same question, and answers.
Please make your choice on the poll above this posting.
I can't see who answers the poll, You see the same thing I see.
Thank You
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Update To This Post.
We have decided to remove Vancouver from our list of possible placed to Move to.
Reason Is their health care system there. They let people in need of life saving procedures wait for up to 14 months some are even denied, and left to die.
We checked this out there is solid proof this happens on a daily bases there.
Nova Scotia is pretty must like here in the States you can walk in and get prompt medical care on the spot.
Ontario is almost the same, but if you are not having an emergency you have to sign up for an appointment, usual wait time is 5 to 7 days which is the same or better than here in Indiana.
I have requested an appointment and was given a date that wasn't for 9 months. I did complain about it, and it was moved up; but still it was 2 months away. Usually if I ask for an appointment its 5 to 10 days away.
When my husband asks for one he usually gets seen that same day or the next.
He has serious health issues.
Thanks, April
We have decided to move out of the States to Canada there is more opportunities for us there.
W haven't decided which city yet but have narrowed them down to three Toronto, Halifax/Dartmouth or Vancouver. We would like to be moved before winter sets in, plus this is the best time of the year to find a place, and rentals are usually lower this time of the year. we will rent for now so we can take our time finding the right house for our needs, or find some property so build on.
Also when we move to Canada my Military Disability will go up an average of $1,800 but could be as much as $2.300 but no less that $1,200. I am also on Social Security Disability If I remain a US citizen I can keep it and live there, also I'll get Canadian disability benefits. We have been doing our homework on this. Its a win-win situation we'd be stupid if we didn't move there. We have already asked the Canadian government for permission to move there, we have been approved. I have lived in Canada before, I lived in Calgary for 1 year and 9 months while I was in the Army. I was there on special assignment. It was very nice there, the people were the nicest people. But, time, and people change so, they may not be as nice today? I lived there in 1986-87
We have chose these cities because they have a lower crime rate, lower cost of living, and better chances of landing a high paying job. They have better schools with lower drop out rate, and higher graduation rate, a better chance of getting a full scholarship for college for our children.
The average rent for a 3 bedroom apartment is $500 to $550 Canadian dollars that would be $338 to 321 US dollars.
We will broadcast the full move on the kitty website. If we have enough bandwidth we'll also broadcast on my Vaughn Live Channel It will be a long trip. We were going to fly, but decided not to and take in the sights on the way, kind of like a road trip vacation.
Thank You.
We have decided to remove Vancouver from our list of possible placed to Move to.
Reason Is their health care system there. They let people in need of life saving procedures wait for up to 14 months some are even denied, and left to die.
We checked this out there is solid proof this happens on a daily bases there.
Nova Scotia is pretty must like here in the States you can walk in and get prompt medical care on the spot.
Ontario is almost the same, but if you are not having an emergency you have to sign up for an appointment, usual wait time is 5 to 7 days which is the same or better than here in Indiana.
I have requested an appointment and was given a date that wasn't for 9 months. I did complain about it, and it was moved up; but still it was 2 months away. Usually if I ask for an appointment its 5 to 10 days away.
When my husband asks for one he usually gets seen that same day or the next.
He has serious health issues.
Thanks, April
We have decided to move out of the States to Canada there is more opportunities for us there.
W haven't decided which city yet but have narrowed them down to three Toronto, Halifax/Dartmouth or Vancouver. We would like to be moved before winter sets in, plus this is the best time of the year to find a place, and rentals are usually lower this time of the year. we will rent for now so we can take our time finding the right house for our needs, or find some property so build on.
Also when we move to Canada my Military Disability will go up an average of $1,800 but could be as much as $2.300 but no less that $1,200. I am also on Social Security Disability If I remain a US citizen I can keep it and live there, also I'll get Canadian disability benefits. We have been doing our homework on this. Its a win-win situation we'd be stupid if we didn't move there. We have already asked the Canadian government for permission to move there, we have been approved. I have lived in Canada before, I lived in Calgary for 1 year and 9 months while I was in the Army. I was there on special assignment. It was very nice there, the people were the nicest people. But, time, and people change so, they may not be as nice today? I lived there in 1986-87
We have chose these cities because they have a lower crime rate, lower cost of living, and better chances of landing a high paying job. They have better schools with lower drop out rate, and higher graduation rate, a better chance of getting a full scholarship for college for our children.
The average rent for a 3 bedroom apartment is $500 to $550 Canadian dollars that would be $338 to 321 US dollars.
We will broadcast the full move on the kitty website. If we have enough bandwidth we'll also broadcast on my Vaughn Live Channel It will be a long trip. We were going to fly, but decided not to and take in the sights on the way, kind of like a road trip vacation.
Thank You.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Windows 10, Give It Up!
I was like most windows users and jumped at the chance to get a free operating system update.
I got my access to windows 10 in the 19th of July its release date.
It took a long time downloading it, but it a very, very long time installing it.
It took around 4 hours to install, then after it got updates and restarted then said it was ready for me to use. The desktop still had Windows 7 desktop under windows 10 desktop I took a screen capture and sent it to Microsoft, they said i overlaid a picture over a picture, there is no way possible that can happen. But it sure was. I finally got one of the tech support people to do a remote desktop they seen it and said WOW! i'm so sorry, you are telling the truth and the picture is real again I'm so sorry.
he told me to delete the hard drive with a secure hard disk drive eraser. I was in the military, and we used Kill Disk, it removes all traces of anything, and everything on the hard drive.
after i did that, that took 30 hours and 42 minutes. the tech support person gave me a lint to a full copy, not an update. I saved that to a flash drive from my other computer. I installed it on the new PC
it only took 38 minutes to fully install and get all the updates and ready for use..
Windows 10 is a lot faster it loads to the desktop within 3 seconds. windows 7 loaded on the same PC within 10 seconds which isn't slow. Windows 10 loads a ton of programs 98% of which you don't need running. the Cortana is a freaking resource hog I had 8GB of memory installed and Cortana was using 7.3 GB and using 73% of my 8 core CPU and using 5.1 Mbps of my internet both up, and down
That i didn't like the most, that means it is sending and receiving info what info is it sending? well
I found out. every picture, video, and music you have is the first thing it sends. So, say you have a picture of you, and your better half making love, showing it all. Well it was sent to Microsoft.
I have seen, and read stories of people having nude pictures of children under age 12 being arrested
for child porn. pictures that was sent to Microsoft. I know most people have heard about the Subway guy being arrested for child porn. that is how they -The Law- found out. He, like most others installed the free windows 10 and all those pictures, and videos he had were sent to Microsoft, they seen them and reported them to the police. Right he shouldn't have had them, but no one would have ever known about them if he hadn't installed Windows 10. The law say some of the images, and videos were downloaded to his hard drive back in 2005.
A 22 year old female was arrested for having nude pictures of herself when she was under 18 on her hard drive, which is seriously stupid they arrested her those were pictures of herself she documented her stages of life titled From a girl to a woman she took a picture of her nude body once a week starting at age 10 to age 20. How did the law find out about her documentary pictures? Windows 10 uploaded them to Microsoft.
I removed windows 10 from my broadcasting computer, not because of this privacy issue
but because it wasn't letting me use programs i use every day. I use xsplit Broadcaster every single day. it was working. then windows got a security update after that i couldn't use it. I also couldn't use Firefox, or Chrome web browsers they said they are no longer supported in Windows 10.
I only had images, and videos related to broadcasting on that computer.
Here is another thing that totally ticked me off all my music videos are not blocked saying they are copyright protected, but i bought the videos not all of them but 90% Some of the videos will play the music audio, but not video, but most will not play at all. the same goes for my audio music that i bought all of them i have around $2,000 of music that i now can't listed to because Microsoft Windows 10 has blocked them. all the music is on my main computer that still has windows 10 installed I have to leave it installed at the advice of my attorney because, I have filed a lawsuit against Microsoft, and Windows 10 I can't talk about that, but i can advise everyone if you like your privacy, you need to uninstall Windows 10, but not just uninstall it, but use a program like Kill Disk to totally get rid of it, bad thing about it you can't save anything from the windows 10 because the spying program is embedded in each and every file. if you backed up your PC before you installed windows 10 use that back-up only.
This is for real a serious breech of all of our privacy. Most people don;t know this, but you agreed to let Microsoft, and Windows 10 to look at everything you have on your PC, and send copies of everything to Microsoft I like most didn't read the terms of service and privacy statement. you gave up all your rights by clicking accept.
I got my access to windows 10 in the 19th of July its release date.
It took a long time downloading it, but it a very, very long time installing it.
It took around 4 hours to install, then after it got updates and restarted then said it was ready for me to use. The desktop still had Windows 7 desktop under windows 10 desktop I took a screen capture and sent it to Microsoft, they said i overlaid a picture over a picture, there is no way possible that can happen. But it sure was. I finally got one of the tech support people to do a remote desktop they seen it and said WOW! i'm so sorry, you are telling the truth and the picture is real again I'm so sorry.
he told me to delete the hard drive with a secure hard disk drive eraser. I was in the military, and we used Kill Disk, it removes all traces of anything, and everything on the hard drive.
after i did that, that took 30 hours and 42 minutes. the tech support person gave me a lint to a full copy, not an update. I saved that to a flash drive from my other computer. I installed it on the new PC
it only took 38 minutes to fully install and get all the updates and ready for use..
Windows 10 is a lot faster it loads to the desktop within 3 seconds. windows 7 loaded on the same PC within 10 seconds which isn't slow. Windows 10 loads a ton of programs 98% of which you don't need running. the Cortana is a freaking resource hog I had 8GB of memory installed and Cortana was using 7.3 GB and using 73% of my 8 core CPU and using 5.1 Mbps of my internet both up, and down
That i didn't like the most, that means it is sending and receiving info what info is it sending? well
I found out. every picture, video, and music you have is the first thing it sends. So, say you have a picture of you, and your better half making love, showing it all. Well it was sent to Microsoft.
I have seen, and read stories of people having nude pictures of children under age 12 being arrested
for child porn. pictures that was sent to Microsoft. I know most people have heard about the Subway guy being arrested for child porn. that is how they -The Law- found out. He, like most others installed the free windows 10 and all those pictures, and videos he had were sent to Microsoft, they seen them and reported them to the police. Right he shouldn't have had them, but no one would have ever known about them if he hadn't installed Windows 10. The law say some of the images, and videos were downloaded to his hard drive back in 2005.
A 22 year old female was arrested for having nude pictures of herself when she was under 18 on her hard drive, which is seriously stupid they arrested her those were pictures of herself she documented her stages of life titled From a girl to a woman she took a picture of her nude body once a week starting at age 10 to age 20. How did the law find out about her documentary pictures? Windows 10 uploaded them to Microsoft.
I removed windows 10 from my broadcasting computer, not because of this privacy issue
but because it wasn't letting me use programs i use every day. I use xsplit Broadcaster every single day. it was working. then windows got a security update after that i couldn't use it. I also couldn't use Firefox, or Chrome web browsers they said they are no longer supported in Windows 10.
I only had images, and videos related to broadcasting on that computer.
Here is another thing that totally ticked me off all my music videos are not blocked saying they are copyright protected, but i bought the videos not all of them but 90% Some of the videos will play the music audio, but not video, but most will not play at all. the same goes for my audio music that i bought all of them i have around $2,000 of music that i now can't listed to because Microsoft Windows 10 has blocked them. all the music is on my main computer that still has windows 10 installed I have to leave it installed at the advice of my attorney because, I have filed a lawsuit against Microsoft, and Windows 10 I can't talk about that, but i can advise everyone if you like your privacy, you need to uninstall Windows 10, but not just uninstall it, but use a program like Kill Disk to totally get rid of it, bad thing about it you can't save anything from the windows 10 because the spying program is embedded in each and every file. if you backed up your PC before you installed windows 10 use that back-up only.
This is for real a serious breech of all of our privacy. Most people don;t know this, but you agreed to let Microsoft, and Windows 10 to look at everything you have on your PC, and send copies of everything to Microsoft I like most didn't read the terms of service and privacy statement. you gave up all your rights by clicking accept.
Friday, September 25, 2015
Trailer Park Boys
I have heard about the program Trailer Park Boys many times back in 2004 or 05
but never gave it a second thought.
Then Netflix.com added it to their line up as a Netflix Original. One day I thought I heard about this before, I heard its very funny, I think i'll watch it. From then on I was seriously hooked, I totally love this program. The first few episodes seemed kind of boring to me, but I kept watching it. The more I watched the more I liked it. Then one day I had a financial issue come up, so I had to suspend all unnecessary paid accounts. That sent me searching for websites that have free episodes of Trailer Park Boys, my search was unsuccessful for free episodes, but in my search I found SwearNet.com
Which is a paid service, but its only $4.99 USD a month, or $39.99 per year. Well worth the excellent entertainment they provide. They do have free previews. You must be 18 years or older to watch, within the United States. Its super funny, I laugh so hard it brings tears to my eyes. The cool thing about Swear Net you can communicate with the Trailer Park Boys actors, and the SwearNet.com community, which makes it even more fun. To make this story short if you haven't ever watched Trailer Park Boys, I recommend you do at least give them a try. In the United Stares you can only watch full uncensored episodes on Netflix.com
Their prices are for internet only $7.99 USD for standard definition on one devise only.
Or, $8.99 for 1080p High Definition and 4k Super Ultra High Definition for Internet only, on two devises. This is what I have the $8.99 plan, I watch on my Computer my computer has a Samsung 50" 4K SUHD, and 3D, 600Hz. Monitor, with dual GeForce GTX Titan X graphic cards.
Copyright 2001~2015 Trailer Park Boys Swearnet.com
All Rights Reserved.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Privacy Tip
Privacy Tip:
Make Windows 10 More Privacy Friendly if You Must Use It | |
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Windows 10 may be “free,” but that gift comes at a high price to your privacy.
Slate writer and software engineer Michael Auerbach notes that, “By default, Windows 10 gives itself the right to pass loads of your data to Microsoft’s servers, use your bandwidth for Microsoft’s own purposes, and profile your Windows usage.”
These are serious concerns, especially in light of Microsoft’s lengthy new privacy policy and services agreement that contain provisions like the following:
...We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary....
If you (or someone you care about) must use Windows 10, click here for a step-by-step guide to making this new Microsoft operating system a bit more privacy friendly.
But note that even if you take all precautions, Ars Technica’s Peter Bright reports that Windows 10 still phones home some data to Microsoft.
Before you give in to Microsoft, look below for our next tip.
Looking for an alternative to Microsoft’s Windows 10?
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Check out Linux! Linux is a free, open source operating system, and one of its many versions (referred to as “distributions” or “distros”) could be the perfect solution for you.
Choosing the right Linux option and installing it the first time does take some effort, but the payoff is freedom from Microsoft. Click here for a terrific guide to Linux distributions for beginners by Chris Hoffman of PCWorld.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Radio Indiana, W-I-B-C Indianapolis
AM-1070-WIBC. The AM Station's Slogan was "Radio Indiana W-I-B-C, Indianapolis"
On October. 30, 1938: AM radio station WIBC goes live at 12:00 PM, WIBC was the first commercial radio station in the sate of Indiana. Owned by Glenn Van Auken's Indiana Broadcasting Co. and managed by C.A. McLaughlin. It was a 1,000-watt daytime-only station, broadcasting a combination of live musical, it was the Indianapolis home of the Mutual Broadcasting System programs. It broadcast live local news and information from the Indianapolis Athletic Club. Two months later, it moves into studios at 30 W. Washington Street.
1941: The Federal Communications Commission -for an unknown reason- changes dial locations (Frequencies) of All Indianapolis radio stations, moving WIBC from 930-AM to 1070-AM on the dial. 1070-AM was a clear channel until 2004, allowing the station to up its power to 5,000 watts and add nighttime programming.
1944: The Indianapolis News buys WIBC for $390.000.
1948: WIBC General Manager Richard Fairbanks buys the station for $ 392.00.
1949: WIBC becomes the first 50,000-watt radio station in the Mid-West.
1952: WIBC and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway start a partnership Radio Network and broadcast the 500-Mile Race nationally, live form the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Other popular programming at the time includes deejay Dick Sumner hosting a nightly music program from Merrill's Hi-Decker drive-in and Jim Shelton emceeing a man-on-the-street quiz show called "Pick-A-Pocket."
1957: Fred Heckman joins the station as news director, retaining the position for 35 years. The station begins to maintain a focus on news, covering such breaking-news events as the explosion at the Indiana State Fairgrounds Coliseum in 1963 and the Tony Kiritsis case in 1977.
1970s: Station moves from its old facilities at 2835 N. Illinois Street to the new Fairbanks Building at 9292 N. Meridian Street.
1983: Fairbanks Broadcasting sells WIBC and sister station WNAP-FM to John Blair and Co. of New York for $1.2 Million.
May 1984: WIBC signs a 3-year contract to the rights to broadcast All Colts games. 1070-WIBC-AM Starts Broadcasting in AM Stereo, and adopts the slogan "Radio Indiana, W-I-B-C Indianapolis"
1985: WIBC ranks first among all AM radio stations in the United States, in the Arbitron ratings.
1987: Sconnix Broadcasting Co. purchases WIBC for $2.8 Million and begins making changes to its news format, first downsizing the news staff and shifting to a "headline news" style.
1988: Popular morning man Gary Todd resigns and is replaced by Jeff Pigeon.
1991: Longtime newsman Joe Pickett retires, followed by news director Heckman in 1993.
1993: WIBC has adopted a "talk-radio" format and ranks third in the United States in the Arbitron ratings.
April 1994: Emmis Communications purchases WIBC and WNAP-FM from the Horizon Broadcast Corp., a local division of Sconnix for $28.9 Million.
May 2007: Big John Gillis, the station's longtime traffic reporter, retires after more than 40 years in the Indianapolis radio market.
Sept. 28, 2007: Jeff Pigeon announces on the air that he will be stepping down after his Monday broadcast, due to strife in within the business.
Oct. 8, 2007: Emmis announces that beginning January 7 programming on WIBC-AM (1070) will move to 93.1. FM (At the time was the frequency location of WNOU-FM) and become WIBC-FM, broadcasting a news/talk format. 1070-WIBC-AM started broadcasting an all-sports format as an affiliate of ESPN.
About 93.1-FM In the Indianapolis market.
July 4, 1968 at 8:00 AM: WNAP-FM (93.1), owned by Indianapolis-based Fairbanks Broadcasting, goes on the air, playing a wide variety of rock music and becoming popular with college-age students.
July 28, 1974: WNAP sponsors the first annual "Raft Race on the White River", north of Broad Ripple. It adopts the nickname "The Buzzard," and at the top of each hour, identifies itself as "The Wrath of the Buzzard -- WNAP, Indianapolis."
1985: WNAP becomes WEAG-FM -- "The Eagle" -- and switches to an adult contemporary format.
1987: Sconnix Broadcasting buys both WEAG and WIBC-FM for 5.5 Million.
1988: WEAG becomes WKLR and adopts an golden oldies format.
April 1994: Sconnix sells both WKLR and WIBC to then Emmis Broadcasting for $28.9 million. In the fall, WKLR switches back to WNAP and a '70s-rock format. It also begins broadcasting the syndicated Howard Stern Show live, unedited, and uncensored.
March 2000: WNAP morphs into WNOU -- RadioNow -- and begins to play pop contemporary hits such as 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys and Christina Aguilera.
Oct. 8, 2007: At noon, WNOU kicked off "93 Days of Christmas" music as Emmis announces that 93.1 will become WIBC-FM, an all news/talk station, and WNOU changes to a high-definition radio channel and moves to 100.9-FM and on the Web via streaming.
May, 2010: 93.1 WIBC falls to 150 in the Arbitron ratings, and is in last place of all local radio stations in Indianapolis.
Jan. 1, 2013: FCC approves power increase request to 13.500 Kw Effective Radiated Power
August 18, 2014: 93.1 WIBC announces, That its loosing revenue since moving to the FM dial. Reason being, FM has a shorter listening range of approximately only a 35 mile radius.
When WIBC was on AM it could be heard during day time hours (7:00 AM to 7:00 PM) within the whole state of Indiana and 20 to 30 miles in to each of the surrounding states, from the Indiana state line. In the early morning hours (3:00 AM to 5:00 AM) 1070-WIBC-AM could be heard as far as Texas, Virginia, Nebraska, and Lower parts of Ontario, Canada. There have been unconfirmed reports 1070 WIBC AM was heard in Hawaii, and Bermuda. There are a confirmed report 1070-WIBC-AM was heard in Germany, and France in January 1982, and again in January 1994.
April 8, 2015: Emmis Interactive -owner of WIBC- announces plans to simulcast WIBC on the AM dial at 1070 AM, but no start date has been announced.
April 13, 2015: Charlie Morgan announced, WIBC is dropping The Rush Limbaugh program. Charlie Morgan, an executive for Emmis Interactive, indicated that the decision to drop Limbaugh was about the "long-term direction of the station," Morgan also stated: "The Rush Limbaugh program is causing the station to loose it's listeners", but he also acknowledged that there was a "business element to the decision to drop Rush Limbaugh.
1941: The Federal Communications Commission -for an unknown reason- changes dial locations (Frequencies) of All Indianapolis radio stations, moving WIBC from 930-AM to 1070-AM on the dial. 1070-AM was a clear channel until 2004, allowing the station to up its power to 5,000 watts and add nighttime programming.
1944: The Indianapolis News buys WIBC for $390.000.
1948: WIBC General Manager Richard Fairbanks buys the station for $ 392.00.
1949: WIBC becomes the first 50,000-watt radio station in the Mid-West.
1952: WIBC and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway start a partnership Radio Network and broadcast the 500-Mile Race nationally, live form the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Other popular programming at the time includes deejay Dick Sumner hosting a nightly music program from Merrill's Hi-Decker drive-in and Jim Shelton emceeing a man-on-the-street quiz show called "Pick-A-Pocket."
1957: Fred Heckman joins the station as news director, retaining the position for 35 years. The station begins to maintain a focus on news, covering such breaking-news events as the explosion at the Indiana State Fairgrounds Coliseum in 1963 and the Tony Kiritsis case in 1977.
1970s: Station moves from its old facilities at 2835 N. Illinois Street to the new Fairbanks Building at 9292 N. Meridian Street.
1983: Fairbanks Broadcasting sells WIBC and sister station WNAP-FM to John Blair and Co. of New York for $1.2 Million.
May 1984: WIBC signs a 3-year contract to the rights to broadcast All Colts games. 1070-WIBC-AM Starts Broadcasting in AM Stereo, and adopts the slogan "Radio Indiana, W-I-B-C Indianapolis"
1985: WIBC ranks first among all AM radio stations in the United States, in the Arbitron ratings.
1987: Sconnix Broadcasting Co. purchases WIBC for $2.8 Million and begins making changes to its news format, first downsizing the news staff and shifting to a "headline news" style.
1988: Popular morning man Gary Todd resigns and is replaced by Jeff Pigeon.
1991: Longtime newsman Joe Pickett retires, followed by news director Heckman in 1993.
1993: WIBC has adopted a "talk-radio" format and ranks third in the United States in the Arbitron ratings.
April 1994: Emmis Communications purchases WIBC and WNAP-FM from the Horizon Broadcast Corp., a local division of Sconnix for $28.9 Million.
May 2007: Big John Gillis, the station's longtime traffic reporter, retires after more than 40 years in the Indianapolis radio market.
Sept. 28, 2007: Jeff Pigeon announces on the air that he will be stepping down after his Monday broadcast, due to strife in within the business.
Oct. 8, 2007: Emmis announces that beginning January 7 programming on WIBC-AM (1070) will move to 93.1. FM (At the time was the frequency location of WNOU-FM) and become WIBC-FM, broadcasting a news/talk format. 1070-WIBC-AM started broadcasting an all-sports format as an affiliate of ESPN.
About 93.1-FM In the Indianapolis market.
July 4, 1968 at 8:00 AM: WNAP-FM (93.1), owned by Indianapolis-based Fairbanks Broadcasting, goes on the air, playing a wide variety of rock music and becoming popular with college-age students.
July 28, 1974: WNAP sponsors the first annual "Raft Race on the White River", north of Broad Ripple. It adopts the nickname "The Buzzard," and at the top of each hour, identifies itself as "The Wrath of the Buzzard -- WNAP, Indianapolis."
1985: WNAP becomes WEAG-FM -- "The Eagle" -- and switches to an adult contemporary format.
1987: Sconnix Broadcasting buys both WEAG and WIBC-FM for 5.5 Million.
1988: WEAG becomes WKLR and adopts an golden oldies format.
April 1994: Sconnix sells both WKLR and WIBC to then Emmis Broadcasting for $28.9 million. In the fall, WKLR switches back to WNAP and a '70s-rock format. It also begins broadcasting the syndicated Howard Stern Show live, unedited, and uncensored.
March 2000: WNAP morphs into WNOU -- RadioNow -- and begins to play pop contemporary hits such as 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys and Christina Aguilera.
Oct. 8, 2007: At noon, WNOU kicked off "93 Days of Christmas" music as Emmis announces that 93.1 will become WIBC-FM, an all news/talk station, and WNOU changes to a high-definition radio channel and moves to 100.9-FM and on the Web via streaming.
May, 2010: 93.1 WIBC falls to 150 in the Arbitron ratings, and is in last place of all local radio stations in Indianapolis.
Jan. 1, 2013: FCC approves power increase request to 13.500 Kw Effective Radiated Power
August 18, 2014: 93.1 WIBC announces, That its loosing revenue since moving to the FM dial. Reason being, FM has a shorter listening range of approximately only a 35 mile radius.
When WIBC was on AM it could be heard during day time hours (7:00 AM to 7:00 PM) within the whole state of Indiana and 20 to 30 miles in to each of the surrounding states, from the Indiana state line. In the early morning hours (3:00 AM to 5:00 AM) 1070-WIBC-AM could be heard as far as Texas, Virginia, Nebraska, and Lower parts of Ontario, Canada. There have been unconfirmed reports 1070 WIBC AM was heard in Hawaii, and Bermuda. There are a confirmed report 1070-WIBC-AM was heard in Germany, and France in January 1982, and again in January 1994.
April 8, 2015: Emmis Interactive -owner of WIBC- announces plans to simulcast WIBC on the AM dial at 1070 AM, but no start date has been announced.
April 13, 2015: Charlie Morgan announced, WIBC is dropping The Rush Limbaugh program. Charlie Morgan, an executive for Emmis Interactive, indicated that the decision to drop Limbaugh was about the "long-term direction of the station," Morgan also stated: "The Rush Limbaugh program is causing the station to loose it's listeners", but he also acknowledged that there was a "business element to the decision to drop Rush Limbaugh.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
EVGA Titan X Hybrid
I just got two of these on the 20 August, 2015 for my new extreme gaming system I built. It's Kicks Ass!
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EVGA's Promotions - We constantly have promotions going on. Anything from the Twitter contest, gaming tournaments and scavenger hunts are all fair game. Even if you don't have an EVGA product you can join for a possibility to win!
Monday, June 22, 2015
They're watching us
I recently went on a camping trip. I know this is going to sound crazy, because it is; but totally true.
I felt a bug land on the back of my neck. I slapped at it, but it didn't feel like a bug,
it felt hard. I then looked at it, and it wasn't a real mosquito, it was like a mechanical mosquito.
I then put it in a Ziploc bag and put it in the freezer. when we got home I started searching the internet to see where this came from. I found it was made by the US Air Force's nano technology surveillance. Its called a MAV = Micro Air Vehicle. its been in use worldwide for around 5 years, but has been used in north america for around 8 years. it has been tested on most all of us in the USA since it was deployed. It comes in our house by us opening the door to check our mail, go to work, or to the store. it leaves the same way. its silent to human ears and is totally solar powered, but doesn't need the sun to power it; any type of light will do. This nano spy can sit in your home for days watching, and listening to everything you do. its video capturing software is 1080p HD and soon will be upgraded to 45k UHD. I also found out this type of technology is what helped find bin laden, and is today watching, and/or hunting for other people of interest.. but its being tested on Americans on a daily bases. how they deploy them? They fly a regular passenger jet over a city and release 500 at a time. They have GPS and can be guided by the human controller or by a program. It uses cell towers to transmit the audio, and video. If and when its out of a cell tower range, It uses satellite. It can also collect your DNA to prove who you are. After all it is a robot mosquito, what do mosquitoes do?
I found a picture on the internet of what it looks like undamaged. The Air force request that I give it back right-a-way with out taking any pictures or video of it, as a matter of national security. If I do they will file criminal charges on me. This image I am posting here came from the US Air Force's Nano Technology Laboratory website. It states its free of copyrights and can be used freely, as long as I give the image source.
I found this picture on CNN's website, It was submitted by a verified CNN user, not an employee.
I felt a bug land on the back of my neck. I slapped at it, but it didn't feel like a bug,
it felt hard. I then looked at it, and it wasn't a real mosquito, it was like a mechanical mosquito.
I then put it in a Ziploc bag and put it in the freezer. when we got home I started searching the internet to see where this came from. I found it was made by the US Air Force's nano technology surveillance. Its called a MAV = Micro Air Vehicle. its been in use worldwide for around 5 years, but has been used in north america for around 8 years. it has been tested on most all of us in the USA since it was deployed. It comes in our house by us opening the door to check our mail, go to work, or to the store. it leaves the same way. its silent to human ears and is totally solar powered, but doesn't need the sun to power it; any type of light will do. This nano spy can sit in your home for days watching, and listening to everything you do. its video capturing software is 1080p HD and soon will be upgraded to 45k UHD. I also found out this type of technology is what helped find bin laden, and is today watching, and/or hunting for other people of interest.. but its being tested on Americans on a daily bases. how they deploy them? They fly a regular passenger jet over a city and release 500 at a time. They have GPS and can be guided by the human controller or by a program. It uses cell towers to transmit the audio, and video. If and when its out of a cell tower range, It uses satellite. It can also collect your DNA to prove who you are. After all it is a robot mosquito, what do mosquitoes do?
I found a picture on the internet of what it looks like undamaged. The Air force request that I give it back right-a-way with out taking any pictures or video of it, as a matter of national security. If I do they will file criminal charges on me. This image I am posting here came from the US Air Force's Nano Technology Laboratory website. It states its free of copyrights and can be used freely, as long as I give the image source.
I found this picture on CNN's website, It was submitted by a verified CNN user, not an employee.
So next time you feel a bug land on you take a closer look at it, it may be a nano spy.
These spies also come in bird form. they look just like a bird they sit in trees on utility lines and other places birds sit. These spies watch you from a distance, they can zoom in on you close enough to count your eyelashes.
Microsoft, and Google are making their own nano spies - but larger than this one - to map the word - starting with USA from every direction and in full 3D-HD. They can make million of these and map the world within weeks.
This can be used for a lot of good things, but in the wrong hands it can do a lot of bad things.
There is no such a thing as privacy anymore, privacy is a thing of the past.
So, what do you think about this nano spy technology?
Friday, June 19, 2015
Biological Clock.
I was told by a sleep specialist this is a biological clock built in every human, and animals.
We should not force ourselves off this clock for any reason. When we do it causes all kinds of medical issues. like heart disease, kidney disease, debilities, cancer, depression, and other behavior disorders.
I have been off this clock for most of my life. this doctor said this is why I have so many health issues. If we put ourselves back on this biological clock. most, if not all health issues will reverse and go away. Some may not go away, the ones that don't are genetics, there is nothing that can be done about those health issues at this time, soon there will be medical genetic altering.
I have been told by this doctor to get back on this biological clock now, or die from the health issues its caused by me disobeying the biological clock god has built into every human. its there for a reason.
The doctor wants me to in bed sleeping no later than 10:00:PM but said I should really go to bed at 9:00:PM. He also said I should sleep until 08:00:AM, that I should not get up any sooner, and shouldn't sleep past 09:00:AM. He also said to take my daily 5 mile walks at 10:00:AM and again at 5:00:PM He also said Do not eat dinner/supper until 7:00:PM no later than 8:00:PM. He lastly said Love making should be done in the morning between 09:00:AM and 11:00:AM not at bed time. making love at bed time tends to keep you awake past the biological clock bed time.
Today I have started going by this biological clock schedule, and the doctor's recommended schedule.
I'll up date this as time passes to let whoever wants to know how it works.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Ripped Off
I am so angry at Progressive Insurance.
Neither I or Mark has any moving violations (traffic tickets)
We were referred to them by a family member. our quite was excellent.
for the state minimum liability. Mark's was only $19.60 a month mine was a little higher because i haven't been driving as long as he has. mine was $22.40 equaling $42.00 a month
We got a discount because we chose to pay every 6 months, not monthly. Plus Mark being a
US Army Veteran he got a 25% discount so we only had to pay $160.72 every six months.
we were totally happy, then when we got our next bill it said we owed $225.92.
Mark called right away and asked them what's going on? They said due to inflation, company cost, and fraudulent claims, we had no choice but to raise the cost of your Insurance policy. He asked what dose that have to do with us? Why do we have to pay for something we have nothing to do with? They said its called overhead when it gets to high you pay. It has to come from somewhere. They then said next payment period should be lower, but no guarantees that it will.
The next payment was $387.98. this time I called I chewed them out. Something I shouldn't have done, but did. I demanded a supervisor, they refused to get one for me. I told them if they don't get me a supervisor right now, I will report Progressive to the state. They said go a head, you have that right. Just to let you know, every state we service gets kick backs from us, so your report it will fall on def ears. I knew what they meant by kick back, but i wanted to hear it from them because i was recording the call. They said "kick back = big money payments under the table." in trade we get to, basically do, and charge whatever we want.
After that we started searching for another Insurance company, but Progressive had us locked in. when we called others for a quite they would ask if we are covered? we would say yes. They then would ask for the company name and our policy number. Then they would call Progressive and Progressive would give a bad report on us. and the company we called would tell us sorry we can't cover you, or they would give us an absurd price of $185.70 per month with no discounts whatsoever. and would not let us pay every 6 months or yearly.
So, we had no choice but to stay with Progressive. then we moved to South Dakota
reported it like the law requires we got new Drivers licenses and tags for our vehicles.
Progressive claims we live in a high risk area and says we do not have a garage for our vehicles. So Mark called this time they said why we are in a high risk area is because of violent storms and tornadoes, you are in the heart of tornado alley. He said so what's the difference Indiana is in tornado alley also? they tried to tell Mark that Indiana hasn't had a destructive tornado since 1974. he said Bull Shit! I'll call you right back, may i have your direct number so i can finish this with you? he said sure and gave his direct number.
Mark did some research from the National Weather Service. and found there are 68% more violent tornadoes in Indiana, than there are here. Indiana has already had three confirmed tornadoes this year, one of which did damage. There hasn't been any reports of a tornado here in our area of the state this year. Since we have been here there hasn't been a thunderstorm we have only had nice gentle spring rains. So, Mark called them back and gave them this information, and the web addresses he found the info at. The progressive guy said The NWS is a sick joke, they don't know the difference between a buttocks and a pumpkin.
Mark then said i want to cancel our policy. The man said you can't, you have to let the policy run out. Mark asked why? He said because you are paid up till April 23, 2015. Call us on April 22, 2015 then we will gladly cancel your policy. So, Mark called Progressive April 22, 2015 at 10:00 AM and cancelled the policy. He then went back to USAA, where we had a policy before. We pay by the year, its much cheaper paying by the year.
Today we get our mail and there's a bill from Progressive saying we owe them $803.32 on our policy for one year of coverage. This time I called - I was nice this time - I told them we canceled our policy on the 22nd of April 2015. they told me that we couldn't cancel until our contract ran out. I said what contract? they said the five year contract you, and your husband entered into on November 12, 2012. if you want out of that contract you have to pay the remaining contract period which would be a total of $1960.00 plus this payment of $803.32 for a grand total of $2763.32. I said there is no way we are going to pay you that, because we never signed into a contract. if we did? we were not aware of it, and that would be deception on your end. I then said, I'll have our attorney call the Progressive corporate office. Have a good day, good bye.
We have since reported this to the state of Indiana, South Dakota, they both took our report and told us to report this to the national insurance institute, they gave us their toll free number. So, for now we are paying for two auto insurance policies.
The family member that referred us to Progressive also had a similar incident with Progressive raising the rates on them, but they didn't have any issues canceling.
Our advice to anyone reading this: Do Not get Insurance with Progressive or their partners.
if you are already with them drop them as soon as you can, they will screw you over.
Neither I or Mark has any moving violations (traffic tickets)
We were referred to them by a family member. our quite was excellent.
for the state minimum liability. Mark's was only $19.60 a month mine was a little higher because i haven't been driving as long as he has. mine was $22.40 equaling $42.00 a month
We got a discount because we chose to pay every 6 months, not monthly. Plus Mark being a
US Army Veteran he got a 25% discount so we only had to pay $160.72 every six months.
we were totally happy, then when we got our next bill it said we owed $225.92.
Mark called right away and asked them what's going on? They said due to inflation, company cost, and fraudulent claims, we had no choice but to raise the cost of your Insurance policy. He asked what dose that have to do with us? Why do we have to pay for something we have nothing to do with? They said its called overhead when it gets to high you pay. It has to come from somewhere. They then said next payment period should be lower, but no guarantees that it will.
The next payment was $387.98. this time I called I chewed them out. Something I shouldn't have done, but did. I demanded a supervisor, they refused to get one for me. I told them if they don't get me a supervisor right now, I will report Progressive to the state. They said go a head, you have that right. Just to let you know, every state we service gets kick backs from us, so your report it will fall on def ears. I knew what they meant by kick back, but i wanted to hear it from them because i was recording the call. They said "kick back = big money payments under the table." in trade we get to, basically do, and charge whatever we want.
After that we started searching for another Insurance company, but Progressive had us locked in. when we called others for a quite they would ask if we are covered? we would say yes. They then would ask for the company name and our policy number. Then they would call Progressive and Progressive would give a bad report on us. and the company we called would tell us sorry we can't cover you, or they would give us an absurd price of $185.70 per month with no discounts whatsoever. and would not let us pay every 6 months or yearly.
So, we had no choice but to stay with Progressive. then we moved to South Dakota
reported it like the law requires we got new Drivers licenses and tags for our vehicles.
Progressive claims we live in a high risk area and says we do not have a garage for our vehicles. So Mark called this time they said why we are in a high risk area is because of violent storms and tornadoes, you are in the heart of tornado alley. He said so what's the difference Indiana is in tornado alley also? they tried to tell Mark that Indiana hasn't had a destructive tornado since 1974. he said Bull Shit! I'll call you right back, may i have your direct number so i can finish this with you? he said sure and gave his direct number.
Mark did some research from the National Weather Service. and found there are 68% more violent tornadoes in Indiana, than there are here. Indiana has already had three confirmed tornadoes this year, one of which did damage. There hasn't been any reports of a tornado here in our area of the state this year. Since we have been here there hasn't been a thunderstorm we have only had nice gentle spring rains. So, Mark called them back and gave them this information, and the web addresses he found the info at. The progressive guy said The NWS is a sick joke, they don't know the difference between a buttocks and a pumpkin.
Mark then said i want to cancel our policy. The man said you can't, you have to let the policy run out. Mark asked why? He said because you are paid up till April 23, 2015. Call us on April 22, 2015 then we will gladly cancel your policy. So, Mark called Progressive April 22, 2015 at 10:00 AM and cancelled the policy. He then went back to USAA, where we had a policy before. We pay by the year, its much cheaper paying by the year.
Today we get our mail and there's a bill from Progressive saying we owe them $803.32 on our policy for one year of coverage. This time I called - I was nice this time - I told them we canceled our policy on the 22nd of April 2015. they told me that we couldn't cancel until our contract ran out. I said what contract? they said the five year contract you, and your husband entered into on November 12, 2012. if you want out of that contract you have to pay the remaining contract period which would be a total of $1960.00 plus this payment of $803.32 for a grand total of $2763.32. I said there is no way we are going to pay you that, because we never signed into a contract. if we did? we were not aware of it, and that would be deception on your end. I then said, I'll have our attorney call the Progressive corporate office. Have a good day, good bye.
We have since reported this to the state of Indiana, South Dakota, they both took our report and told us to report this to the national insurance institute, they gave us their toll free number. So, for now we are paying for two auto insurance policies.
The family member that referred us to Progressive also had a similar incident with Progressive raising the rates on them, but they didn't have any issues canceling.
Our advice to anyone reading this: Do Not get Insurance with Progressive or their partners.
if you are already with them drop them as soon as you can, they will screw you over.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Cinnamon keeps ants out of your house.
Find where they're coming in, then sprinkle cinnamon around their entry. They Will stop coming in.
The ones that are already in will not leave. You can spray air freshener on them, it will kill them.
Plus it'll make your room smell fresh, not like ant spray.
I have been doing this for many years, it works every time.
Find where they're coming in, then sprinkle cinnamon around their entry. They Will stop coming in.
The ones that are already in will not leave. You can spray air freshener on them, it will kill them.
Plus it'll make your room smell fresh, not like ant spray.
I have been doing this for many years, it works every time.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
We've Moved
Well after the big move we've settled in, and have been setting up the kitty broadcast.
Its not as easy in this house because its much, much larger than our other house.
We want to make sure we get all areas in camera view and that they are close enough
to see the kitties. The living room has 5 cameras, one in each corner. We have a new bubble camera
on the center of the ceiling. Its a wide angle and can see the whole living room looking down, its kind of cool. Mark has installed a camera in every room, even the bathrooms those are for security since we now live way, way out in the country. He also has security cameras outside, two on each corner of the house and four looking at the house. The closest police department is 20 miles away. I think he has gone a little overboard with the security cameras, but its better safe than sorry. Plus the security cameras brings the cost of insurance down. We live on a 3.980 acre farm. Its my parents farm, no we do not live with them, but we do live close by. My Dad has rental property and a 104 unit apartment complex on his land. We live in the largest house he owns. its a 5 bedroom house with a detached 4 car garage connected by an enclosed walkway. There's a horse barn with 6 stalls, and a utility barn we're converting that into a play room for the kids kind of like a club house. We all love our new home. The kitties seem to like it the best, they're running around playing, a lot more than usual. Mark is making a cat room in the spare bedroom. Hes putting shelves on the walls, cubbyholes in the corners and a walkway around the ceiling and a cross walk for them. He is going all out on this project. he has cameras already in placed even though its not finished yet. The broadcast is going to be a heck of a lot better. well worth the wait. we estimate the broadcast will be up, and running by May 1st, maybe sooner?
That's it for me I need to get back outside we're planting a large garden of potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, celery, cabbage, lettuce, brussels sprouts, sweet corn, beets, radishes, onions, shallots, garlic, four types of hot peppers, green beans, black eyed peas, field peas, okra, squash, twelve types of herbs, and three types of tea.
Its not as easy in this house because its much, much larger than our other house.
We want to make sure we get all areas in camera view and that they are close enough
to see the kitties. The living room has 5 cameras, one in each corner. We have a new bubble camera
on the center of the ceiling. Its a wide angle and can see the whole living room looking down, its kind of cool. Mark has installed a camera in every room, even the bathrooms those are for security since we now live way, way out in the country. He also has security cameras outside, two on each corner of the house and four looking at the house. The closest police department is 20 miles away. I think he has gone a little overboard with the security cameras, but its better safe than sorry. Plus the security cameras brings the cost of insurance down. We live on a 3.980 acre farm. Its my parents farm, no we do not live with them, but we do live close by. My Dad has rental property and a 104 unit apartment complex on his land. We live in the largest house he owns. its a 5 bedroom house with a detached 4 car garage connected by an enclosed walkway. There's a horse barn with 6 stalls, and a utility barn we're converting that into a play room for the kids kind of like a club house. We all love our new home. The kitties seem to like it the best, they're running around playing, a lot more than usual. Mark is making a cat room in the spare bedroom. Hes putting shelves on the walls, cubbyholes in the corners and a walkway around the ceiling and a cross walk for them. He is going all out on this project. he has cameras already in placed even though its not finished yet. The broadcast is going to be a heck of a lot better. well worth the wait. we estimate the broadcast will be up, and running by May 1st, maybe sooner?
That's it for me I need to get back outside we're planting a large garden of potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, celery, cabbage, lettuce, brussels sprouts, sweet corn, beets, radishes, onions, shallots, garlic, four types of hot peppers, green beans, black eyed peas, field peas, okra, squash, twelve types of herbs, and three types of tea.
Monday, April 6, 2015
Not Closing
We were going to close this, and the kitty info blog page, but many people asked us not to.
So, we're keeping them both open.
So, we're keeping them both open.
Friday, March 27, 2015
What A Nice Vacation
We're back home. What a super great time we all had. I never thought you could have so much fun is such a short period of time. This is something I'll remember for the rest of my life. I've had good times before on vacations, but this one was by far the very best of my life. Our kids totally loved it also. Mark Sr. didn't want to leave. In fact there were tears in his eyes when it came time to leave. To be honest there were tears in my eyes too. While we were there we stopped by Disney's theme parks for a full day. It wasn't a very nice day, some of the rides were closed due to the threat of lightning. We also visited Daytona Beach on our way back to our hotel suite. We had a real nice room, it had bunk beds for the kids and a king sized bed for us. It had a fully stocked kitchenette, a day room and balcony facing the beach. We have so many pictures, and videos to share of our vacation, Mark is posting them now on our kitty website. He said it will take him at least a day to get everything uploaded, and organized before he makes that page viewable to our members only. He's given me a few pictures that I can post on the blog pages.
That's it for here. The rest of the story is on our Kitty website in full detail with images and 4k video for all members to enjoy.
Oh, I Almost Forgot
We also have good news for the people who have been waiting to join our kitty website. We now have more space to add 1.000 more members. As always, everyone has to go through the application process before chosen to be a official member. You have to meet certain criteria before becoming a member. We do not want members causing issues that will make the site unpleasant for other members. The application cost of $5.00 goes directly to PrivacyTrust formerly known as eTrust. They do an internet background check, (Not a criminal background check) to see how your online behavior has been for the past 2 years. They check to see if any of your accounts have been suspended and why they were suspended. They also check to see if there have been any bad reports made against you by others online users. They do not share any of this information with us, they only tell us if you're good or bad for our kitty website. This check takes around 7 to 14 days.
If you want to join our kitty website use the contact us widget to the right of this page, we'll get back with you as soon as we can.
Thank You.
Baby & Young White Tigers
Baby Lion
They do not breed any animals they have. All animals are spayed, or neutered before they are placed in their new space they call home. The babies and young animals they have, were confiscated or given up by their owners. In fact all the animals they have were given to them or confiscated.
Our Beach Resort
That's it for here. The rest of the story is on our Kitty website in full detail with images and 4k video for all members to enjoy.
Oh, I Almost Forgot
We also have good news for the people who have been waiting to join our kitty website. We now have more space to add 1.000 more members. As always, everyone has to go through the application process before chosen to be a official member. You have to meet certain criteria before becoming a member. We do not want members causing issues that will make the site unpleasant for other members. The application cost of $5.00 goes directly to PrivacyTrust formerly known as eTrust. They do an internet background check, (Not a criminal background check) to see how your online behavior has been for the past 2 years. They check to see if any of your accounts have been suspended and why they were suspended. They also check to see if there have been any bad reports made against you by others online users. They do not share any of this information with us, they only tell us if you're good or bad for our kitty website. This check takes around 7 to 14 days.
If you want to join our kitty website use the contact us widget to the right of this page, we'll get back with you as soon as we can.
Thank You.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Kitty Website Broadcast Notice
The Kitty Website, and Broadcasts will be down for 7 days starting Friday, 20 March, 2015 until Friday, 27 March, 2015. We won an all expense paid 4 days, 3 nights vacation at the Big Cat Rescue in Tampa, Florida. We've hired a family member to stay in our home so they can care for our kitties 24-7 while we're gone.
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Medication, and Supplements
I was asked on our Kitty Info Blog from the Contact us widget.
The Question was:
"What medications are you on, and do you take supplements to help improve your over health?"
I'm answering here since this in not related to our Kitty Cats.
Prescription medications I take daily are:
Synthroid 200 MCG 1 time a day, Taken before the first meal of the day.
Nexium 40 MG 2 times a day.
Toprol XL 25 MG 1 time a day, taken with the first meal of the day.
The next list of prescription medications are taken as needed, if needed.
And are a part of my cancer treatments. I have thyroid and lung cancer.
Meclizine 25 MG for Nausea, taken as needed no more than 4 per day.
Vistaril 25 MG for Itching, taken as needed no more than 2 per day.
Oxycontin 30 MG up to 3 times a day, Taken with food/snack. For Severe Pain Only!
Morphine SR 30 MG up to 3 times a day, Taken with food/snack as needed for moderate pain.
Morphine, and Oxycontin are not to be taken together EVER they will cause respiratory arrest if taken together. You must wait at least 24 hours before taking the other, after stopping the first one.
I hardly ever take either. I usually take the Oxycontin it works much better and faster, with less side effects.
I usually only need to take one to rid me of the pain.
The next list are supplements to help improve my overall health, mainly my heart health.
This one is by prescription only: 100% Complete Multivitamin 100%, Complete Multi-mineral
100% Complete Trace Minerals. 1 time a day, taken before first meal of the day.
These are over the counter supplements. some are very expensive, but my life is worth it.
Fish, Flax, Borage oils Omega 3, 6, 9, 12, and ALA, EPA, DHA certified 100% pure. 2 a day
Cold pressed Flax seed oil 2000 MG each of Omega 3, 6, 9 fatty acids. 2 a day.
Vitamin D3 1000 MG 1 a day.
Vitamin E 800 MG 2 a day.
CoQ10 1500 MG with 200 MG L-Carnitine 1 a day.
Vitamin B Complex. it has all the B vitamins at a higher dose, 1 a day
All these supplements, and doses were recommended by My Cardiologist, Oncologist,
as well by my Primary care doctors.
I was taking Vitamin A.
My cardiologist told me to stop taking it It can cause a sudden heart attack, it can thicken the blood.
I hope this answers your Questions.
Have A Nice Day/Night
The Question was:
"What medications are you on, and do you take supplements to help improve your over health?"
I'm answering here since this in not related to our Kitty Cats.
Prescription medications I take daily are:
Synthroid 200 MCG 1 time a day, Taken before the first meal of the day.
Nexium 40 MG 2 times a day.
Toprol XL 25 MG 1 time a day, taken with the first meal of the day.
The next list of prescription medications are taken as needed, if needed.
And are a part of my cancer treatments. I have thyroid and lung cancer.
Meclizine 25 MG for Nausea, taken as needed no more than 4 per day.
Vistaril 25 MG for Itching, taken as needed no more than 2 per day.
Oxycontin 30 MG up to 3 times a day, Taken with food/snack. For Severe Pain Only!
Morphine SR 30 MG up to 3 times a day, Taken with food/snack as needed for moderate pain.
Morphine, and Oxycontin are not to be taken together EVER they will cause respiratory arrest if taken together. You must wait at least 24 hours before taking the other, after stopping the first one.
I hardly ever take either. I usually take the Oxycontin it works much better and faster, with less side effects.
I usually only need to take one to rid me of the pain.
The next list are supplements to help improve my overall health, mainly my heart health.
This one is by prescription only: 100% Complete Multivitamin 100%, Complete Multi-mineral
100% Complete Trace Minerals. 1 time a day, taken before first meal of the day.
These are over the counter supplements. some are very expensive, but my life is worth it.
Fish, Flax, Borage oils Omega 3, 6, 9, 12, and ALA, EPA, DHA certified 100% pure. 2 a day
Cold pressed Flax seed oil 2000 MG each of Omega 3, 6, 9 fatty acids. 2 a day.
Vitamin D3 1000 MG 1 a day.
Vitamin E 800 MG 2 a day.
CoQ10 1500 MG with 200 MG L-Carnitine 1 a day.
Vitamin B Complex. it has all the B vitamins at a higher dose, 1 a day
All these supplements, and doses were recommended by My Cardiologist, Oncologist,
as well by my Primary care doctors.
I was taking Vitamin A.
My cardiologist told me to stop taking it It can cause a sudden heart attack, it can thicken the blood.
I hope this answers your Questions.
Have A Nice Day/Night
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Computer Chair
I need help getting a new computer chair.
The one I have is causing blood clots in my thighs.
The chair sits to high and will not adjust any lower.
This is causes pressure points, that are causing blood clots.
If you would like to help out with a dollar or two?
You can by using this donation button.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Thank You!
PS: I Know The Haters Will Love This Posting.
Bring on the attacks, I can handle it.
Update As of 12 June, 2017 I have only gotten one $5.00 donation. I still need this chair.
Right now I'm sitting on a Styrofoam box with a pillow on it.
The chair I need to get was only $59.95 back when I first posted this.
Its now $119.99 for the same chair. Please help out if you can.
When you click the donation link, it will say give $5.00
You can change the amount to any amount between $1.00 and $1.000
The one I have is causing blood clots in my thighs.
The chair sits to high and will not adjust any lower.
This is causes pressure points, that are causing blood clots.
If you would like to help out with a dollar or two?
You can by using this donation button.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Thank You!
PS: I Know The Haters Will Love This Posting.
Bring on the attacks, I can handle it.
Update As of 12 June, 2017 I have only gotten one $5.00 donation. I still need this chair.
Right now I'm sitting on a Styrofoam box with a pillow on it.
The chair I need to get was only $59.95 back when I first posted this.
Its now $119.99 for the same chair. Please help out if you can.
When you click the donation link, it will say give $5.00
You can change the amount to any amount between $1.00 and $1.000
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Babbling Baby
I usually don't post things like this, but I feel that I should this time.
there is this person who is a total hater of everyone. I believe this person hates his/her own parents? This person has been going at me for years sometimes its funny as all get out. Then there's times its so stupid it makes me wonder how a person could think up something so stupid. Then there have been a few times I seriously wondered, is this person going to come in the night and kill me and/or my family? This person will not tell me their gender.
I seriously believe its an elderly lady by the way it answer my questions, and the comments it makes. They're just like what a elderly lady would say.
My wife says its a single elderly man, that can't get it up. So, he has nothing to play with.
So, he hates everyone and tries to cause as much trouble as possible before the grim reaper comes to take him away. She also adds: No one likes him because of his hateful attitude.
We both may be wrong? Someone has told us a few times that they personally know the person and the person is a transgender born a male but has been living as a female since age 13 and is now between 25 to 30 years of age. he/she is also a crackhead, and meth-head. Its family has disowned him/her when they found out about his sexuality choice, around age 18. the person who told us this also said he has been in jail so many times he/she calls it his/her second home. he/she has also spent time in prison for a sex conviction, and is on the national sex, and violent offender's registry. This friend seems like its still a real friend to this person. The friend would not give details of the convictions, personal life, real name, or real age, only an age range, and that it was born a male, and is now living as a female. Who knows this could have came from the hater him/her self?
lately this person has been going at me about my weight. calling me all kinds of fat names. which i just laugh at them because, I'm no where near being fat. My doctors tell me I'm 10 pounds under weight. I do have a big stomach I seen the doctor about that today. and they think I may have colon cancer or a tumor? They are going to do more testing next week.
But because of Obama care they have to follow the guidelines. Before Obama care this would have been taken care of in one visit. Now it takes from two to four visits because they can't do the all testings in one day under Obama care.
Back to the babbling baby. I'll call him/her an IT, since I don't know its true gender.
about 4 or 5 months ago in a chat room It said: Man you sure are a fat lard ass aren't you?
I said: Whatever, and left it alone. later it emailed me asking how much I weigh. I told it I was 214 pounds. it said no f**king way, you're such a liar. So, I sent a picture of me standing on the scale the scale read 214 pounds It said how do i know that is you standing on that scale? Your fat ugly face isn't in the picture.
When i weigh myself i weigh myself naked like you are supposed to that is why my face wasn't in the picture. the picture only showed part of my legs feet and the scale.
It said i want to see the whole picture unedited.
I said no way, I'm not sending you a naked picture of me. For all I know you may be some underage punk kid. Prove your age, then, and only then I may send you the whole picture. It would not prove its age. It just kept asking to prove that was me. So, I sent an edited picture with my body blocked out from my chest to my knees. It then claimed I Photoshopped my head on to the picture. It then asked me what size pants I wear. I said 34x32 some styles of pants i wear 34x34. It said you don't wear size 34 waist pants. You may have wore size 34 back when you were a teen decades ago. Not now, there is no f**king way you could fit into a size 34.
This person wants proof that its me standing on the scale. So, I made a UHD 4K video of me placing the scale in the center of the room then standing on it while in my birthday suit, then zoomed in on the numbers on the scale while keeping my face in the video. I then used security software to make the video age restricted. To be able to view it, you have to be 21 using a MasterCard or Visa credit card, and your state issued ID number as proof. Once your age is verified, and crossed verified. Then you can view the video one time. I sent the video in a encrypted email via https://www.startmail.com so it couldn't fall in the wrong hands. This babbling baby claimed it didn't get it. I told it, This email is encrypted it tells me when its delivered, when its opened, and for how long its open. It was opened by you, and was opened for 12 minutes. Then it said I don't have a credit card. I said Ok, fine. Then I destroyed the email with the video. Now its bitching, and crying, saying I was just kidding I have a credit card. please send it back. I said Its too late. See what playing stupid kids games got you? It got you left out in the cold.
Here is the pictures, not the video. I only made that to prove to the person I'm not a fat ass and that I don't weigh 590 pounds, like it claims I do.
If I did weigh 590 pounds I would kill myself, or admit my self in a hospital's weight loss program where you're locked in the facility. Or undergo Bariatric weight loss surgery
Both of these pictures were taken this morning 13 Feb 2015 around 7:10:AM right after I took my morning shower.
I also made a video of me putting these pants (in this picture) on to prove they're mine, and I wear this size pants every day. I would post that video here, but i would have to upload it to YouTube. I don't want to do that for security, privacy and personal reasons, plus its in UHD 4K format. YouTube isn't that advanced yet.
Note: These pictures were taken with an iPod touch.
there is this person who is a total hater of everyone. I believe this person hates his/her own parents? This person has been going at me for years sometimes its funny as all get out. Then there's times its so stupid it makes me wonder how a person could think up something so stupid. Then there have been a few times I seriously wondered, is this person going to come in the night and kill me and/or my family? This person will not tell me their gender.
I seriously believe its an elderly lady by the way it answer my questions, and the comments it makes. They're just like what a elderly lady would say.
My wife says its a single elderly man, that can't get it up. So, he has nothing to play with.
So, he hates everyone and tries to cause as much trouble as possible before the grim reaper comes to take him away. She also adds: No one likes him because of his hateful attitude.
We both may be wrong? Someone has told us a few times that they personally know the person and the person is a transgender born a male but has been living as a female since age 13 and is now between 25 to 30 years of age. he/she is also a crackhead, and meth-head. Its family has disowned him/her when they found out about his sexuality choice, around age 18. the person who told us this also said he has been in jail so many times he/she calls it his/her second home. he/she has also spent time in prison for a sex conviction, and is on the national sex, and violent offender's registry. This friend seems like its still a real friend to this person. The friend would not give details of the convictions, personal life, real name, or real age, only an age range, and that it was born a male, and is now living as a female. Who knows this could have came from the hater him/her self?
lately this person has been going at me about my weight. calling me all kinds of fat names. which i just laugh at them because, I'm no where near being fat. My doctors tell me I'm 10 pounds under weight. I do have a big stomach I seen the doctor about that today. and they think I may have colon cancer or a tumor? They are going to do more testing next week.
But because of Obama care they have to follow the guidelines. Before Obama care this would have been taken care of in one visit. Now it takes from two to four visits because they can't do the all testings in one day under Obama care.
Back to the babbling baby. I'll call him/her an IT, since I don't know its true gender.
about 4 or 5 months ago in a chat room It said: Man you sure are a fat lard ass aren't you?
I said: Whatever, and left it alone. later it emailed me asking how much I weigh. I told it I was 214 pounds. it said no f**king way, you're such a liar. So, I sent a picture of me standing on the scale the scale read 214 pounds It said how do i know that is you standing on that scale? Your fat ugly face isn't in the picture.
When i weigh myself i weigh myself naked like you are supposed to that is why my face wasn't in the picture. the picture only showed part of my legs feet and the scale.
It said i want to see the whole picture unedited.
I said no way, I'm not sending you a naked picture of me. For all I know you may be some underage punk kid. Prove your age, then, and only then I may send you the whole picture. It would not prove its age. It just kept asking to prove that was me. So, I sent an edited picture with my body blocked out from my chest to my knees. It then claimed I Photoshopped my head on to the picture. It then asked me what size pants I wear. I said 34x32 some styles of pants i wear 34x34. It said you don't wear size 34 waist pants. You may have wore size 34 back when you were a teen decades ago. Not now, there is no f**king way you could fit into a size 34.
This person wants proof that its me standing on the scale. So, I made a UHD 4K video of me placing the scale in the center of the room then standing on it while in my birthday suit, then zoomed in on the numbers on the scale while keeping my face in the video. I then used security software to make the video age restricted. To be able to view it, you have to be 21 using a MasterCard or Visa credit card, and your state issued ID number as proof. Once your age is verified, and crossed verified. Then you can view the video one time. I sent the video in a encrypted email via https://www.startmail.com so it couldn't fall in the wrong hands. This babbling baby claimed it didn't get it. I told it, This email is encrypted it tells me when its delivered, when its opened, and for how long its open. It was opened by you, and was opened for 12 minutes. Then it said I don't have a credit card. I said Ok, fine. Then I destroyed the email with the video. Now its bitching, and crying, saying I was just kidding I have a credit card. please send it back. I said Its too late. See what playing stupid kids games got you? It got you left out in the cold.
Here is the pictures, not the video. I only made that to prove to the person I'm not a fat ass and that I don't weigh 590 pounds, like it claims I do.
If I did weigh 590 pounds I would kill myself, or admit my self in a hospital's weight loss program where you're locked in the facility. Or undergo Bariatric weight loss surgery
Both of these pictures were taken this morning 13 Feb 2015 around 7:10:AM right after I took my morning shower.
I also made a video of me putting these pants (in this picture) on to prove they're mine, and I wear this size pants every day. I would post that video here, but i would have to upload it to YouTube. I don't want to do that for security, privacy and personal reasons, plus its in UHD 4K format. YouTube isn't that advanced yet.
Note: These pictures were taken with an iPod touch.
Friday, February 13, 2015
Real Life Trivia Update
There are a few of you that are so, so close to the correct answer.
keep trying, and you'll get it.
To date 84 people have tried to answer the Real Life Trivia question.
As soon as someone gives me the correct answer, I'll post the answer here.
keep trying, and you'll get it.
To date 84 people have tried to answer the Real Life Trivia question.
As soon as someone gives me the correct answer, I'll post the answer here.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Real Life Trivia
I have a poster from 1980, that I bought in Köln, Germany.
At the bottom center of the image on the original poster, it reads:
Mein rechtes Auge ist die Morgensonne, mein linkes Auge die Abendsonne.
English version of the same text:
My right eye is the Morning sun, my left eye the Evening sun.
Can you tell me who's image is on the poster?
You can answer in the comment section, or use the contact us widget.
Thank You!
At the bottom center of the image on the original poster, it reads:
Mein rechtes Auge ist die Morgensonne, mein linkes Auge die Abendsonne.
English version of the same text:
My right eye is the Morning sun, my left eye the Evening sun.
Can you tell me who's image is on the poster?
You can answer in the comment section, or use the contact us widget.
Thank You!
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Something to think about
One day we went for a walk down a street in a fairly nice neighborhood.
As we walked down the street we saw a McDonald's burger joint.
A Few steps down the same street there was a Windy's burger joint.
Across the same street was a Burger King burger joint.
As we walked one block down the same street there was a White Castle burger joint.
Next to it on the same street was a Carl's Jr. burger joint.
Across the same street was a Jack In The Box burger joint.
A few more steps down the same street there was a Whataburger burger joint.
We wondered why so many burger joints within just a few city blocks?
As we walked down the same street the neighborhood started looking higher class.
As we walked on the same street we came upon a Long Johns Silver's fish joint.
Next to it on the same street was an Arthur Treacher's Fish & Chips fish joint.
Across the same street there was a Captain D's Fish and seafood joint.
Next to it on the same street was a Joe's Crab Shack a seafood restaurant.
One block down on the same street there was a Red Lobster seafood restaurant.
Across the same street there was a YanCanCook Sushi, and Shrimp Bar.
We wondered why so many fish, and seafood joints within just a few city blocks?
As we walked some more the neighborhood started looking a bit run down.
As we walked some more we came upon a KFC = Kentucky Fried Chicken joint.
Next to it on the same street there was a Churches Chicken joint.
Across the same street there was a Popeye's Chicken joint.
Next to it on the same street there was a Buffalo Wild Wings chicken joint.
A half block away on the same street there was a Hillbilly Fried Chicken joint.
Across the same street there was a Kenny Rodger's Rosters chicken joint.
We wondered why so many chicken joints within just a few city blocks?
As we walked some more the neighborhood started looking real trashy.
There were hoodlums standing on the street corners, and in the alleyways of the same street.
As we walked down the same street we seen there was an 800 liquor store.
Across the same street there was a Community Package Liquor store.
Next to it only a few steps down the same street there was a Bootleg liquor store.
About a helf block further we seen a CJ's Liquor store that also sold chicken wings & thighs.
Next to it on the same street was a Bubba's Ribs, Cold Beer & Liquors.
Across the same street there was a State Liquor, and Tobacco store.
As we walked some more I decided it was time to get my HK45 ready for use, if needed.
We seen the hoodlums flashing tech 9's and other various types of fully automatic weapons.
It was like as if they were challenging me to an old-school shootout.
We then seen a post office so we went in side for a few minutes.
The clerk said you shouldn't be in this neighborhood.
You should leave as quickly as you can before something ugly happens to you.
I'll call 911 to distract the lowlife scumbags, when the police get here please leave this area.
The police came, and we left the area going back down the same street we came on.
As we walked back home we wondered, Why so many liquor stores within just a few city blocks?
We also wondered why were the liquor stores only in the trashy neighborhood?
That's Something to think about!
As we walked down the street we saw a McDonald's burger joint.
A Few steps down the same street there was a Windy's burger joint.
Across the same street was a Burger King burger joint.
As we walked one block down the same street there was a White Castle burger joint.
Next to it on the same street was a Carl's Jr. burger joint.
Across the same street was a Jack In The Box burger joint.
A few more steps down the same street there was a Whataburger burger joint.
We wondered why so many burger joints within just a few city blocks?
As we walked down the same street the neighborhood started looking higher class.
As we walked on the same street we came upon a Long Johns Silver's fish joint.
Next to it on the same street was an Arthur Treacher's Fish & Chips fish joint.
Across the same street there was a Captain D's Fish and seafood joint.
Next to it on the same street was a Joe's Crab Shack a seafood restaurant.
One block down on the same street there was a Red Lobster seafood restaurant.
Across the same street there was a YanCanCook Sushi, and Shrimp Bar.
We wondered why so many fish, and seafood joints within just a few city blocks?
As we walked some more the neighborhood started looking a bit run down.
As we walked some more we came upon a KFC = Kentucky Fried Chicken joint.
Next to it on the same street there was a Churches Chicken joint.
Across the same street there was a Popeye's Chicken joint.
Next to it on the same street there was a Buffalo Wild Wings chicken joint.
A half block away on the same street there was a Hillbilly Fried Chicken joint.
Across the same street there was a Kenny Rodger's Rosters chicken joint.
We wondered why so many chicken joints within just a few city blocks?
As we walked some more the neighborhood started looking real trashy.
There were hoodlums standing on the street corners, and in the alleyways of the same street.
As we walked down the same street we seen there was an 800 liquor store.
Across the same street there was a Community Package Liquor store.
Next to it only a few steps down the same street there was a Bootleg liquor store.
About a helf block further we seen a CJ's Liquor store that also sold chicken wings & thighs.
Next to it on the same street was a Bubba's Ribs, Cold Beer & Liquors.
Across the same street there was a State Liquor, and Tobacco store.
As we walked some more I decided it was time to get my HK45 ready for use, if needed.
We seen the hoodlums flashing tech 9's and other various types of fully automatic weapons.
It was like as if they were challenging me to an old-school shootout.
We then seen a post office so we went in side for a few minutes.
The clerk said you shouldn't be in this neighborhood.
You should leave as quickly as you can before something ugly happens to you.
I'll call 911 to distract the lowlife scumbags, when the police get here please leave this area.
The police came, and we left the area going back down the same street we came on.
As we walked back home we wondered, Why so many liquor stores within just a few city blocks?
We also wondered why were the liquor stores only in the trashy neighborhood?
That's Something to think about!
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Well I Never...
Have you ever had a really good friend turn on you?
That has happened to me.
I've never for one second thought this person would ever be like this and turn on me.
The person hasn't done anything physical to me, but worse, the friend right out lie to me.
I don't want to get in to details because, I'm going to stay true a friend to this person no matter what. We have been friends for five years almost six. I have told this friend private things about my life, and family, that I have never shared with anyone else. Here is an example of one of the lies. This friend claims a family member is in serious condition in a local hospital where the friend lives, and won't be able to email me for who know how long? This friend also said. I won't have time to do anything on the internet because i'm st the hospital almost 24-7. So, my Church has been holding a prayer session every Sunday evening for the sick family member. the church wanted to know how the family member of my friend is doing. I asked, and almost got my head bit off. the friend said "I said I don't have time to to be replying to your emails." i replied "Well you had the time to bite my head off in this email. So, why didn't you just tell me how your family member is since you were replying anyway? The reply was my family member is doing alright, but still has a long way to go before they can go home. Please don't email me again, until I email you. I left it at that. but then i got a strange feeling that my friend was lying to me. So, i went on social media and seen my friend has been posting things and liking peoples postings and comments, and also commenting on the postings. I am not a stalker but i wanted to find out if my friend was lying to me. I looked at the times of the liked and comments of the postings made by my friend.. my friend was on that social media site for over four hours. that made me feel sad, then anger set in, but i brushed that off. I said yo my self i'm not going to let my buttons be pushed, its not worth it. I watched the social media, and my friend was there every single day for on average four hours every day. I then checked another social media site and my friend had been posting there also. Strange thing, not one of the postings ever said a thing about the sick family member. I know the family member's full name, and date of birth so i said I'm going to call all the local hospitals there. I did. there was no one in any of the hospitals by that name. I even gave my friends name as cross reference, and nothing. So, i called more hospitals in the surrounding area, then the whole part of the state my friend lives in and still nothing. then the truth came to light. the sick family member made a posting saying "I wanted to go to the lake or a park today, but its to damn cold. Maybe later? the family of the friend had the GPS turned on and, and it pointed right at the family members house.. well not right at the house, it pointed to the neighbor's house. So, I emailed my friend just a few hours ago asking a few key questions to catch my friend in a lie, Then I'm going to ask why are you lying to me? Then give my friend all the proof I have collected with screen captures, my phone records to prove I'm not lying, but my friend is.
I know my friend will read this, because my friend is an email subscriber of this blog. That means every posting I make, my friend gets an email. Within the email there's link to the posting and text of the first paragraph of the posting.
This Directed To My Friend: I'll still be your friend, but I won't trust you as much as I did before.
I would like to know one thing. Why did you lie to me?
This is for everyone: True Friends do not lie to the other, ever.
Mark Sr., Good Day!
That has happened to me.
I've never for one second thought this person would ever be like this and turn on me.
The person hasn't done anything physical to me, but worse, the friend right out lie to me.
I don't want to get in to details because, I'm going to stay true a friend to this person no matter what. We have been friends for five years almost six. I have told this friend private things about my life, and family, that I have never shared with anyone else. Here is an example of one of the lies. This friend claims a family member is in serious condition in a local hospital where the friend lives, and won't be able to email me for who know how long? This friend also said. I won't have time to do anything on the internet because i'm st the hospital almost 24-7. So, my Church has been holding a prayer session every Sunday evening for the sick family member. the church wanted to know how the family member of my friend is doing. I asked, and almost got my head bit off. the friend said "I said I don't have time to to be replying to your emails." i replied "Well you had the time to bite my head off in this email. So, why didn't you just tell me how your family member is since you were replying anyway? The reply was my family member is doing alright, but still has a long way to go before they can go home. Please don't email me again, until I email you. I left it at that. but then i got a strange feeling that my friend was lying to me. So, i went on social media and seen my friend has been posting things and liking peoples postings and comments, and also commenting on the postings. I am not a stalker but i wanted to find out if my friend was lying to me. I looked at the times of the liked and comments of the postings made by my friend.. my friend was on that social media site for over four hours. that made me feel sad, then anger set in, but i brushed that off. I said yo my self i'm not going to let my buttons be pushed, its not worth it. I watched the social media, and my friend was there every single day for on average four hours every day. I then checked another social media site and my friend had been posting there also. Strange thing, not one of the postings ever said a thing about the sick family member. I know the family member's full name, and date of birth so i said I'm going to call all the local hospitals there. I did. there was no one in any of the hospitals by that name. I even gave my friends name as cross reference, and nothing. So, i called more hospitals in the surrounding area, then the whole part of the state my friend lives in and still nothing. then the truth came to light. the sick family member made a posting saying "I wanted to go to the lake or a park today, but its to damn cold. Maybe later? the family of the friend had the GPS turned on and, and it pointed right at the family members house.. well not right at the house, it pointed to the neighbor's house. So, I emailed my friend just a few hours ago asking a few key questions to catch my friend in a lie, Then I'm going to ask why are you lying to me? Then give my friend all the proof I have collected with screen captures, my phone records to prove I'm not lying, but my friend is.
I know my friend will read this, because my friend is an email subscriber of this blog. That means every posting I make, my friend gets an email. Within the email there's link to the posting and text of the first paragraph of the posting.
This Directed To My Friend: I'll still be your friend, but I won't trust you as much as I did before.
I would like to know one thing. Why did you lie to me?
This is for everyone: True Friends do not lie to the other, ever.
Mark Sr., Good Day!
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Yet Another Attack
Why don't you haters give it up? you're only wasting your own time, not mine.
This makes attack number four. this time they called the city on us. Code Enforcement came out.
Complaint One was: there are to many people, and pets living in our house. after checking the house and counting heads he said well you are within City, and State Code, in fact you could have two more pets, or one more child living in this house.
Strike One for the haters.
Complaint Two was: The Doors and Windows are in disrepair, letting rodents and insects into the house putting all within the house at a health risk. He checked all the doors, and windows everything is better than code. why? because the doors were replaced two years ago, the windows were replaced last summer.
I have to call you haters a very stupid. You know nothing about me, my family, or the home we live in.
Strike Two for the haters.
Complaint Three was: We have two cars in a one car garage. We all had a good laugh over this one.
He checked anyway. He saw two cars, in a two car garage, with plenty of room to store things like: a riding lawnmower, a push mower, a scooter, a motorcycle, up to 6 bicycle. I would seriously like to see someone put two average sized cars in an average sized one car garage. How freaking stupid are you? That can't be done with average sized cars. You may be able to get two smart cars end-to-end in an average sized one car garage? Smart Car Dimensions - Length: 106.1 inches, Width: 61.4 inches, Height: 60.7 inches. If you don't know what a Smart Car is? here is a picture of one from their website http://www.smartusa.com
Strike Three, You're Out! for the haters.
Come on haters get real with your complaints. Do some research before you complain about something you know nothing about.
Complaint Four was: Trash and debris scattered on the property. There are a few tree branches, and twigs, no trash at all. There was nothing found against city code.
Strike Four for the haters.
Complaint Five, the last complaint was: A dirty, filthy living areas. unwashed dishes, dirty clothing scattered in the laundry room, and the bedrooms, trash overflowing the trash bin in the kitchen, and bathrooms, kids sleeping on dirty beds with no sheets with springs poking through the sleeping surface, vomit from the sick cat all over the carpet, cat litter box filled with feces, toilet in the half bathroom stopped up filled with stinky molded feces, bath tub filled with dirty soap-scum, and rust. the list went on with around 5 more things that were so petty they're not worth posting here. He checked everything, and found nothing. He said "the kids beds looked to him to be fairly new beds everything throughout the house is clean" he also said "this house is much cleaner than my own, your house makes me fell like a dirty person."
He cleared everything as as being a false report.
Strike five for the haters. lol
You hater people are so stupid. You seriously need to get a real life.
This makes attack number four. this time they called the city on us. Code Enforcement came out.
Complaint One was: there are to many people, and pets living in our house. after checking the house and counting heads he said well you are within City, and State Code, in fact you could have two more pets, or one more child living in this house.
Strike One for the haters.
Complaint Two was: The Doors and Windows are in disrepair, letting rodents and insects into the house putting all within the house at a health risk. He checked all the doors, and windows everything is better than code. why? because the doors were replaced two years ago, the windows were replaced last summer.
I have to call you haters a very stupid. You know nothing about me, my family, or the home we live in.
Strike Two for the haters.
Complaint Three was: We have two cars in a one car garage. We all had a good laugh over this one.
He checked anyway. He saw two cars, in a two car garage, with plenty of room to store things like: a riding lawnmower, a push mower, a scooter, a motorcycle, up to 6 bicycle. I would seriously like to see someone put two average sized cars in an average sized one car garage. How freaking stupid are you? That can't be done with average sized cars. You may be able to get two smart cars end-to-end in an average sized one car garage? Smart Car Dimensions - Length: 106.1 inches, Width: 61.4 inches, Height: 60.7 inches. If you don't know what a Smart Car is? here is a picture of one from their website http://www.smartusa.com
Strike Three, You're Out! for the haters.
Come on haters get real with your complaints. Do some research before you complain about something you know nothing about.
Complaint Four was: Trash and debris scattered on the property. There are a few tree branches, and twigs, no trash at all. There was nothing found against city code.
Strike Four for the haters.
Complaint Five, the last complaint was: A dirty, filthy living areas. unwashed dishes, dirty clothing scattered in the laundry room, and the bedrooms, trash overflowing the trash bin in the kitchen, and bathrooms, kids sleeping on dirty beds with no sheets with springs poking through the sleeping surface, vomit from the sick cat all over the carpet, cat litter box filled with feces, toilet in the half bathroom stopped up filled with stinky molded feces, bath tub filled with dirty soap-scum, and rust. the list went on with around 5 more things that were so petty they're not worth posting here. He checked everything, and found nothing. He said "the kids beds looked to him to be fairly new beds everything throughout the house is clean" he also said "this house is much cleaner than my own, your house makes me fell like a dirty person."
He cleared everything as as being a false report.
Strike five for the haters. lol
You hater people are so stupid. You seriously need to get a real life.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Sleep Study
I finally got a sleep study after two years of trying. I have been having a real hard time sleeping. sometimes i would go days without sleeping, not because i wanted to. I couldn't sleep or would go to sleep and within 10 to 20 minutes i would wake up and couldn't go back to sleep. To have a sleep study you have to sleep for at least 4 hours that was something i couldn't do in past sleep studies. one i was able to go to sleep, but the techs there were so loud they woke me up a few times. it sounded like they were having a party, and i seriously believe they were. they would come in my room almost yelling at me to go to sleep. I said i was but the party you are having keeps waking me up. I tried it again, but they woke me up again. I said fuck this i'm leaving. and they tried to stop me from leaving, they even called the police on me. I that was so stupid it was funny. the police came and asked what;s going on? they said he is trying to leave before the study is finished he may go out and cause a wreck and kill someone. The police officer said that is so stupid i should lock you up for a psych evaluation. You can't make this guy stay here or anyone else for that matter. If i ever hear you do. I will have you locked up, and have this place shut down for being a nuisance to the community. That place was shut down a few months later.
Another sleep study place wanted me to come in at 12 noon, and they were going to sedate me for the test. I asked around about that and was told a sleep study will not work if you are sedated or under the influence of anything that causes you to sleep, it has to be a natural sleep.
I had this sleep study last Thursday I slept for 6 hours I was surprised i slept that long. my usual night of sleep is 4 hours. they told me the next day that I would stop breathing for up to 3 minutes at a time one time they started to wake me up because after 3 minutes brain damage can occur, but just as they started to wake me I started breathing. my oxygen level was on average only 62% it dropped that one time when i stopped breathing for 3 minutes to 38% the highest the whole night after i fell to sleep was 89%. they don't know why i would stop breathing? They did say it wasn't obstruction like with sleep apnea. it may be a neurological condition, or something that was caused by one of the strokes I've had? They won't know that for at least 10 to 15 days. So, in the mean time I live one day at a time and deal with the fact when i go to sleep it may be the last time, I may never wake up. That would make a few people very happy, but most would be heart broken.
Another sleep study place wanted me to come in at 12 noon, and they were going to sedate me for the test. I asked around about that and was told a sleep study will not work if you are sedated or under the influence of anything that causes you to sleep, it has to be a natural sleep.
I had this sleep study last Thursday I slept for 6 hours I was surprised i slept that long. my usual night of sleep is 4 hours. they told me the next day that I would stop breathing for up to 3 minutes at a time one time they started to wake me up because after 3 minutes brain damage can occur, but just as they started to wake me I started breathing. my oxygen level was on average only 62% it dropped that one time when i stopped breathing for 3 minutes to 38% the highest the whole night after i fell to sleep was 89%. they don't know why i would stop breathing? They did say it wasn't obstruction like with sleep apnea. it may be a neurological condition, or something that was caused by one of the strokes I've had? They won't know that for at least 10 to 15 days. So, in the mean time I live one day at a time and deal with the fact when i go to sleep it may be the last time, I may never wake up. That would make a few people very happy, but most would be heart broken.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
We're staying here on blogger. We made an agreement with Google, which totally surprised us.
Google agreed not to track us, and the visitors of this page. They also agreed to allow us to post whatever we wish, as long as is conforms to the laws of my state and US federal laws. This means, in case you didn't catch it? We can post whatever we want on this blog page. Freedom Of Speech, Hell Yeah! No need to worry, I will NOT start posting crap like those haters do on those hate blogs. It will be the same content as always, but with more freedom to say what I want. I may say something about someone I believe most people know, I will say what I have to say with total respect. I will NOT bash them. I've also been told I don't have to have the warning page before you get to my blog, as long as I don't post images, or video of frontal nudity. That is something I will never do no matter what.
I want to know why people keep asking me the size of my peck-wood, and if I would send them a picture of it?
Why would you want to know something like that, or want to see it?
Perverts, maybe?
What difference would it make if its a mile or an inch?
That doesn't make the person. What makes the person is their overall attitude.
A strange thing about this is, Males are asking me this too, not just females. it is mostly females asking. I'll tell you all again I have posted this information online on JTV, VLTV, Twitter, Facebook, Our Kitty Info Page, and even Here. The whole world could see it, you just have to connect the dots - put the two together, its as easy as: what does 2+2=?. Its not very hard at all, its so easy a kid could figure it out. One did, and asked me about it. I had no choice, but to lie about it. Its so easy to figure out.
So please stop asking me this, I will not tell you. Hell I don't even know you, so why would I tell you? The only ones that will ever know this is, My Parents, wife, ex-wife, past Girlfriends, Doctors. and My Siblings. END OF SUBJECT!
Google agreed not to track us, and the visitors of this page. They also agreed to allow us to post whatever we wish, as long as is conforms to the laws of my state and US federal laws. This means, in case you didn't catch it? We can post whatever we want on this blog page. Freedom Of Speech, Hell Yeah! No need to worry, I will NOT start posting crap like those haters do on those hate blogs. It will be the same content as always, but with more freedom to say what I want. I may say something about someone I believe most people know, I will say what I have to say with total respect. I will NOT bash them. I've also been told I don't have to have the warning page before you get to my blog, as long as I don't post images, or video of frontal nudity. That is something I will never do no matter what.
I want to know why people keep asking me the size of my peck-wood, and if I would send them a picture of it?
Why would you want to know something like that, or want to see it?
Perverts, maybe?
What difference would it make if its a mile or an inch?
That doesn't make the person. What makes the person is their overall attitude.
A strange thing about this is, Males are asking me this too, not just females. it is mostly females asking. I'll tell you all again I have posted this information online on JTV, VLTV, Twitter, Facebook, Our Kitty Info Page, and even Here. The whole world could see it, you just have to connect the dots - put the two together, its as easy as: what does 2+2=?. Its not very hard at all, its so easy a kid could figure it out. One did, and asked me about it. I had no choice, but to lie about it. Its so easy to figure out.
So please stop asking me this, I will not tell you. Hell I don't even know you, so why would I tell you? The only ones that will ever know this is, My Parents, wife, ex-wife, past Girlfriends, Doctors. and My Siblings. END OF SUBJECT!
Friday, January 9, 2015
Looking For A New Blog Home
With Google's new TOS policies, I'm not allowed to post things I want to on Google/Blogger/Blogspot/Google+.
Google has become very strict with what you can say, and post on their services.
All because of crybabies, haters, trolls, and jealous people making malicious reports.
I'm in the process of looking for another blog service. I want to be able to say and post anything I wish, of course within the laws of my state.
I have tried WordPress, but their service is really user unfriendly. Plus they are pretty much just as strict as Google.
I will not use Yahoo for anything period. That company is a total joke ran by kids, and immature adults. Seriously it is operated mostly by kids between age 12 and 22. You can't take anything serious from that company. Their news service is a joke too, unless its coming from another source, but they edit that too. So that can't be trusted either, when its on their site.
I once had a blog on Yahoo. I said "I was pooped out after that" Yahoo deleted the blog, and banned my account. Yahoo claimed the "Pooped Out" part of the sentence was a sexual and/or racist comment, a clear violation of their terms of service.
I sent Yahoo this from Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, as proof it wasn't what they were claiming.
Pooped Out:
Is a verb (used with object), Slang.
To cause to become out of breath, or fatigued; exhaust:
Example of use:
"Climbing that mountain got me so pooped out I couldn't climb back down."
Yahoo's reply: "We are standing our ground. Yahoo doesn't tolerate sexual, and/or racist comments.
Go else where with your filthy hateful postings."
I was like how stupid are these people?
This happened back in 1998, when Yahoo was the biggest thing on the internet. Now because of their lack of privacy, violations, leaking user information to world governments; they are close to being forced to close shop.
If anyone knows of a free blogging site or free website service, other than listed in this posting. One that lets to say, and post whatever you want within the Freedom of Speech laws of the USA. Please let me know by using the contact us widget on this page.
Thank You.
Google has become very strict with what you can say, and post on their services.
All because of crybabies, haters, trolls, and jealous people making malicious reports.
I'm in the process of looking for another blog service. I want to be able to say and post anything I wish, of course within the laws of my state.
I have tried WordPress, but their service is really user unfriendly. Plus they are pretty much just as strict as Google.
I will not use Yahoo for anything period. That company is a total joke ran by kids, and immature adults. Seriously it is operated mostly by kids between age 12 and 22. You can't take anything serious from that company. Their news service is a joke too, unless its coming from another source, but they edit that too. So that can't be trusted either, when its on their site.
I once had a blog on Yahoo. I said "I was pooped out after that" Yahoo deleted the blog, and banned my account. Yahoo claimed the "Pooped Out" part of the sentence was a sexual and/or racist comment, a clear violation of their terms of service.
I sent Yahoo this from Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, as proof it wasn't what they were claiming.
Pooped Out:
Is a verb (used with object), Slang.
To cause to become out of breath, or fatigued; exhaust:
Example of use:
"Climbing that mountain got me so pooped out I couldn't climb back down."
Yahoo's reply: "We are standing our ground. Yahoo doesn't tolerate sexual, and/or racist comments.
Go else where with your filthy hateful postings."
I was like how stupid are these people?
This happened back in 1998, when Yahoo was the biggest thing on the internet. Now because of their lack of privacy, violations, leaking user information to world governments; they are close to being forced to close shop.
If anyone knows of a free blogging site or free website service, other than listed in this posting. One that lets to say, and post whatever you want within the Freedom of Speech laws of the USA. Please let me know by using the contact us widget on this page.
Thank You.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
I bet no one can figure this out.
I bet no one can figure this out.
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